
Book Blast is coming fast!
We have a Winner!
You won the Adventures in Odyessy CD set from Family Life. We will have it for you when you drop off your books on Drop Off day.
You won the Adventures in Odyessy CD set from Family Life. We will have it for you when you drop off your books on Drop Off day.
I am so blessed and so thankful for my family. At the end of September, just days before our 15th anniversary, we found out we were expecting our 8th child. Many months before we had picked a name for a boy, if God was going to bless us with one. That name means God is my strength.
To all the moms out there…
Motherhood takes on many forms. Sometimes it is easy to spot, like the nine month pregnant woman or when a mom has toddlers in tow. Other times its hard to see, like the widow giving advice to the young bride after the couples first fight or the older lady sharing a desired recipe.
At each stage motherhood is a self sacrificing moment for mom. A time for mom to put her own needs, wants and desires aside and focus on someone else who needs her more.
It is a choice.
All it truly takes to be a mom is to be a woman with a willing heart.
So to each of the mothers in every stage of life,
Community Bible Church, 638 Parris Island Gateway Beaufort, SC 29901
Mark These Dates On Your Calendars!!
*If you are not local and don’t want to drive to Beaufort two days in a row, please email us soon for information on an early pick up.
*Please allow us this hour to organize any leftover books. We will have a special room set up for those wishing to wait on campus.
Questions? Email
Selling Books Information
• 4 Criteria For Drop Off Day
o Inventory List
o (SASE) self-addressed stamped envelope
o Seller Fee $6.50
o All items must be properly labeled
• Please Select From the Following Links For More Information:
Frequently Asked Questions – If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, be sure to email us at the above address.
Bar Code Labeling Instructions – This system enables sellers to easily track sales, and streamlines the process of buying/selling. It allows the seller to take the inventory entered and transfer it to other venues (some restrictions apply). The deadline for entering inventory using this system Thursday, June 8th at midnight.
Manual Labeling Instructions – There is an additional 10% processing fee to use this method.
*All sales/revenue generated over $599 are subject to a 1099 form.
Today is the last day to enter books into the barcode system! The system locks at midnight tonight! You will not be able to make any changes to your tags once the system locks.
If you have any last minute questions, check here. If you can’t find the answer email, call or text us and we will do our best to help.
After the system locks, don’t worry, you can still sell using manual tags, but there is a 10% additional charge. See here for the manual instructions.
As we prepare for the sale, we are getting so excited. We have over 3,000 barcoded books entered. And books are still being entered!
Just a few reminders:
Drop off is tomorrow, June 10th, from 1 to 7pm
The sale is Saturday, June 11th, from 9am to 1pm
Pick up any unsold books Saturday, June 11th, from 2 to 3:30pm. Please give us until 2pm to sort the books so none of your books are left. Any items not picked up by 3:30 will be donated.
We are able to use CBC’s fellowship hall because of their generosity. Let’s be sure to show them the same respect we would want others to show in our domain.
Please respect the rules of the venue:
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and Saturday! Email response maybe a little slower do to preparing for the sale, but I will do my best to get back with you in a timely manner.
The Book Blast is drawing near!
The deadline to enter books into the barcoding system is Thursday, June 9th. At midnight the system will lock.
Important: There is scheduled maintenance all day Monday, June 6 starting at 7:00 am until 9:00 pm EST. You will not be able to access the barcode system website during the maintenance window. That means you can’t register as a seller, enter books or print labels on Monday! You will be able to access your account as soon as the maintenance window is over.
Drop off is this Friday, June 10th from 1-7pm. Make sure you bring your properly labeled items, inventory list, $5 seller fee and self-addressed stamped envelope. If you forget your stamped envelope, we will have some available for $0.50.
The sale is this Saturday, June 11th from 9am-1pm. And pick up is 2-3:30pm. All items not picked up by 3:30pm will be donated to Book Blast.
The Book Blast is right around the corner, next weekend to be more exact!
If you haven’t entered your books yet, it is not to late. The system will be open until midnight, June 9th. But don’t wait till last minute. You busy moms just do not need that kind of stress!
My advice is to look through your bookshelves for those books you aren’t using, those manipulitives you bought because you just knew you needed them (only not to have touched them at all) and all those other school supplies that are being more clutter than useful at the moment. Then enter everything this weekend (it is suppose to rain anyway.) That way you can spend next week enjoying the summer sun.
To register as a bar code seller or enter your books, click here.
For FAQ, click here.
If you have questions that need a more personal touch or issues arise, email us at
Congratulations to our Early Bird Contest Winner:
The Book Blast is fast approaching. It is only a month away on June 11th, 9-1 pm.
This used book sale is a great way to sell some of the curriculum, books and manipulatives that you are no longer using. AND an awesome way to get some great deals on some gently used things. Even if you don’t home school, the Book Blast is a good source for summer reading books.
We are so excited about some cool give-a-ways donated to us by some very generous vendors, including Doorposts, Notgrass, My Father’s World, Character Concepts, All About Learning and Horse Lovers Math. You must be present to win.
The bags filled with catalogs, were so popular last year, we have doubled the number of bags this year.
It is free to shop. Only $5 to sell.
For information on how to be a seller, times and other important information, click here.
Memorial Day is more than just a excuse to have a cook out.
We thank our cashiers at the grocery store and all they did was ring up our purchases.
We thank our waitresses, even leave them a monetary tip, and all they did was bring us our food.
Yet, how often do we thank the men and women who work to protect our families. I get it. Some people disagree with the government and see the military personnel as an extension. Or maybe you are like me and just don’t always recognize a serviceman out of uniform. Or maybe you fall under some other category. I am not here to put us all in a box. The point is, serving our country is a thankless job.
I grew up a military brat. I can recall countless times when my dad would shrug off praise or thanks, saying it was just his job. It was just his job to save men’s lives. It was just his job to fight on behalf of others. It was just his job to protect complete strangers.
Well, as I stand in this day and age, I see so many men who are unwilling to stand up for those weaker than themselves. I see so many people living for what pleases them, what they want. I look at the world we live in and see a dangerous scary place. I read countless news stories of people being attacked and witnesses NOT stepping up to help.
My dad would never not step up. He has stepped up, in the profession he chose and outside of it. And he didn’t like people making a fuss about what he did. He hated ceremonies celebrating his work.
Thankfully my dad never paid the ultimate sacrifice. But many did.
Memorial Day is a day to remember those who kissed their families goodbye, like my daddy did.
Memorial Day is a day to remember those who fought for an idea, to protect, or freedom, like my daddy did.
Memorial Day is a day to remember those who didn’t come home, unlike my daddy, but like those he fought along side of.
These men and women deserve to be remembered. Their families, friends and comrades deserve to be thanked.
THAT is what Memorial Day is. So this Memorial Day thank someone who has or does serve in our military.
The Book Blast is a non-profit, volunteer used curriculum sale held at Community Bible Church in Beaufort, SC. You do not need to be a member of Community Bible Church or of CBCCA in order to be a Book Blast participant. It is free to participate, but you must register. If you wish to sell, there is a $5 fee.
The Book Blast will run on Friday, June 13, from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm.
Register for the Book Blast online here.
How do I become a seller?
After you register for the conference you can click here to register as a seller. You are not required to register to start entering your items online, but you will not be an official seller until you have registered for the Book Blast.
The last day for people to enter items into the Book Blast system is Tuesday, June 10th at midnight.
What can I sell at the Book Blast?
Our focus is on curriculum. In addition, readers of all kinds, manipulatives, science stuff and educational supplemental materials. Bibles, devotionals and educational aids are also welcome.
Please keep in mind this is not a yard sale, but a place to sell the kind of things YOU will be looking for to use in your own homeschool next year.
Our mission is to encourage all homeschoolers, but keep in mind we are a Christian homeschooling group. We will not be able to sell items that conflict with our Christian values. Please use discretion.
What are the selling instructions?
After you are registered as a seller, books and materials must be properly labeled. We have two methods for labeling items:
Bar Coding Labeling
This system enables sellers to easily track sales. It also streamlines the sale for buyers and sellers. Added bonus? You will get your money back much more quickly!
Manual Labeling
You may also manually label your books. There is an additional 10% processing fee for using the manual system.
Click here for Manual Labeling Instructions
When do I drop off my books?
Thursday, June 12 from 1:00 – 7:00 pm, at the start of the Intro to Homeschooling Seminar.
Where do I drop off my books?
You must use the SIDE ENTRANCE of the CBC Children’s Building. (The doors under the awning.) We will have signs directing you.
Do not enter through the front entrance, back of the building or the Atrium.
What do I need to bring with me to the book drop off?
What happens to my books after the sale?
Please plan to pick up your unsold books after the sale between 4:00 – 6:00 pm.
We have no place to store unsold books. Make arrangements with a friend or come yourself to get your unsold books. It will be your responsibility to check and see if you have books left over.
Items not picked up by Friday, June 13th at 6:00 pm will be donated.
What if I have stuff I want to give away?
We will have an area for free items in a separate room. You may leave free items in the designated spot at the registration desk. Please separate your free items from items your selling and clearly label them FREE.
What if I have more questions?
Call May at 575-2309 or email
PrintKEG, Tony’s print company, is giving away FREE PrintKEG T-Shirts. These shirts have dual purpose.
First, you get to see the quality of the shirts first hand. I love these shirts, they are soft and the design has outlasted even our clan! My shirt is quickly becoming one of my favorite shirts to wear.
Second, when you wear your PK shirt around town, you will be helping get the word out about a great little online company.
The shirt is free but supplies are limited and this promotion is only available through May, so don’t wait! Also, PrintKEG may be holding contests in the future.
**contest may involve taking a picture wearing your PK shirt somewhere cool**
To find out more information and get your FREE PrintKEG Shirt shipped to you, click here and fill out the quick form.
Thursday, June 12th – Saturday, June 14th.
This year is the first time in my homeschooling career that there will not be a CHEC conference. I was a little saddened when I heard the new, as CHEC has always been an encouraging, fun time to connect with other teaching mothers and wonderful chance to soak up wisdom from the speakers in the workshops.
But I am thrilled to be able to announce it will still be a busy weekend at Community Bible Church in Beaufort!
Thursday, June 12th
Book drop off for the Book Blast: 1:00 – 7:00 pm
Seller fee: $5.00
Intro to Home Education Seminar, by Pastor Carl Broggi: 7:00 pm
Fee: $5.00 per person
Friday, June 13th
Book Blast, used curriculum sale: 9:00 – 3:00 pm
Free to shop, so come, buy used and save! And please register so we have a head count. :)
Saturday, June 14th
Refreshing the Heart for Mothers, by Audrey Broggi – special application for moms who home educate: 9:00 – 2:00 pm
Fee: $12.00 includes box lunch, $5.00 – bring your own lunch
Please share this with people who may be interested in home education!
We are expecting our fifth child sometime around the beginning of May 2013!
We haven’t gone to the midwife yet, so we don’t know the exact date. I am guessing about 4 -5 weeks.
When we were sure, Tony gathered the children together to tell them. He said something was going to happen in 9 months then asked if they knew based on that. Benjamin, in a sort of questioning voice asked if it was a baby. When Tony confirmed, Benjamin looked over at me and said, “Your pregnant?! Congratulations!” He had so much enthusiasm in his voice and sounded so much like a close friend who is truly happy for you! Oh he almost made me cry with happiness. I loved hearing his joy over a new sibling.
Running for my life was a wonderful story about a child stolen from his family in Sudan at the age of six only to find him running in the 2008 Olympic Games by God’s providence. Lopez’s faith in God shines through every page of the book. He sees God’s hand on his everyday life, something that most Christians take for granted. It was captivating, waiting to see where God was going to take this young man next.
Lopez Lomong, the young man the story centers on, wrote Running for my life with the help of Mark Tabb. Between the two, they did an amazing job. I found myself rooting for Lopez to succeed in every aspect of his life. I even had to go check to see how he did in the 2012 Olympics.
The book is full of situations that may not be suitable for younger children, like when the solders yanked little Lopez out of his mothers arms in the first chapter or when Lopez tells of the poor treatment of his sister in the epilogue. I would suggest, if you want a mature child to read it, that a parent reads the book with the child. And you might need a box of tissues (I know I did!)
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Each year I am frustrated as I try to make a store bought planner work for me. This year I decided to take a page from a friend, so to speak, and make my own. I think the hardest thing has been figuring out what I really wanted my planner to be. I knew I needed to be able to have all 3 children currently being home educated on one page. I also wanted the studies we do together to be in one place so I wasn’t writing and rewriting for each child. So I came up with this…
In our garden, we have hay.
Hay attracts bugs. And not the nice bugs either.
Bugs are not my favorite… I had a nightmare where suddenly my home was over run with bugs from the garden, but I digress.
I have been very brave and dealt with the bugs because I wanted my garden, small as it may be.
Then one day as I am working in the garden, I realized I didn’t see to many bugs. So I did something out of character…I started looking for the bugs. I dug around a little in the hay to see if I could find some. And this skink is what I found instead! This picture really doesn’t do her size justice. This thing is at least 6-8 inches long!
You know we made a science lesson from it!
Since this picture we have found another large skink and at least 3 babies…and very very few bugs! They live in my potato patch, and I am completely content to have them stay there. :)