by May
Alright, so far I have barely managed to make my goal of 2 posts a week…And that is only because last week I did 2 the same day. I don’t know if that really counts for 2 a week, as it was not what I had in mind when I set my goal, but the way I figure it counts as long as I am attempting to write the posts on different days and it won’t if I start making it a habit to only blog on one day.
Well since you can see how I am doing on that resolution here, I will update you on my other one, to stick to my $80 a week budget. Last week the only money spent was a little over $5 on ice creams at Chik-fil-A. We ate from the pantry, which was really fun and I managed to use some stuff that I didn’t even know I had. But unfortunately it was not to last. I forgot that if I was going to eat from the pantry, I needed to be sure I had some basic essentials, like bread and tomato sauce. After some great deals, like 3 gallons of milk for $1.49 each, I ended up spending $63.57 on groceries. Since we went out to eat on Sunday, I am over my budget for the week. On the other hand since I was under from last week, I am still well under budget for the month.
Using cash is really helping to stay on target. I am going to make this really cute envelope system that I found recently. We will see how it goes.
by May

I kept to our budget, clumsy as I may have been.
Without couponing I managed to have just over $3 left from our household budget. Having cash really helped me to not spend more money than I planned to. I was even able to put together a small gift for a friend who had a baby Thursday evening.
Next week I will need to be a little more cautious about where the budget goes. My plan is to get back into couponing and see if we can’t eat from the pantry next week. We’ll see how well that works out.
by May
Get ready for this…
Are you sitting down…
Using CASH!!
Wow! Can you believe it!!
Seriously, I think using cash instead of card will help me. In the past, I have said “my budget is … and I am going to stick to it” but then I would see a “great deal” or a “just have to have item” and since it was coming out of the bank and not my hand, I never saw how much I was spending. Someone suggested that cash would be easier to keep me on track, so I am trying it. That means I will need to be more cautious about spending money, because once the money is gone for the week, it’s GONE.
Lets hope I learn my money limits early…
by May
Well I know this is late, but I couldn’t seem to remember my password. I am sure I am not the only one who has issues remembering the many different passwords for each account. And not being able to write them down, I am half afraid I will lose my mind and not be able to remember any!
Okay now that I have that little rant out of the way, I do wish all a very merry and prosperous new year. For the first time in my short lifetime, I have decided to make a new year’s resolution. And me being the jump-in-with-both-feet sort, I decided on 2 resolutions.
The first is that I write on this blog at least 2 times a week. This is a big step for me, as I spend hours weighing just what to say on each and every post. In light of Proverbs 10, I am trying to restrain my lips so we shall see how I do with this resolution.
The second is in two parts. The first being that I stick to my $80 a week budget for all household goods. The second part is that by the end of the year I have managed to lower our budget to $50 a week. I realized that just putting $30 aside each week is $1560 a year, which will add up quite nicely.
We will see how well I do on my resolutions. I will update here periodically.